When propagating plants indoors for later transplanting outdoors, be careful with your light cycle. If you propagate under an 18/6 light cycle then transfer outside in mid-April, the light cycle outside will be closer to 13/11, which will cause your plant to flower. As the days get longer, your plant will then regress to the vegetative state. Also, it could self-pollinate (hermaphrodite) or get stuck in between veg and flower stages, failing to produce the desired results. If you use a 14/10 light cycle to propagate your plants, it will reduce the chances of undesirable results when moving outdoors. Root zone development is key to proper triggering and plant shaping. If your plant becomes root-bound before transplanting, it will start to produce hormones telling itself that it has filled its growing space with roots and can begin to slow its vegetative growth rate and prepare to flower. Also, the size of your pot will help shape the final size and shape of your plant. For example; If you want a shorter, wider plant, you should start in a shorter, wider pot. This allows the root zone to tell the plant that it has more space to get wide than it has root depth to support a taller plant.



  1. Put a layer of your growing medium (example: clay pellets or soilless mix) in your pot. 
  2. Gently place seedling/clone in the pot, then add medium carefully to avoid injury to the roots and cover up to the base of the plant about ½” above the highest root. 
  3. Water thoroughly with the TRANSPLANT MIX (see bottom of this page). 
  4. Place back under the light with the same light cycle (18/6). 

For the next week, water with the TRANSPLANT MIX every other day just enough to keep your media moist. Make sure not to over water. If they are in a hydroponic setup, place them in the system and fill the reservoir with the Transplant Mix according to the manufacturer's per gallon recommendation. Applying the nutrients only where roots exist will prevent soil toxicity which can retard root development.



  1. Add soluble silicon to water according to the manufacturer's directions and stir.
  2. Add rooting compound and veg state nutrients and stir again. 
  3. Adjust pH to 5.9 by adding appropriate amendments up or down as needed.