Started in a three-car-garage in 1939, SUPERthrive has had a fabulous journey few products can match — all thanks to the creativity and passion of its founder, Dr. John Thomson.
Thomson studied Biochemistry at USC, where he became fascinated by the renowned Dr. Fritz Went’s new discoveries in biochemical processes to aid in plant development and eventually a World’s Fair Gold Medal in Science and Industry awarded to Superthrive in 1940.
SUPERthrive® Vitamin Solution is our original formula. We are proud that cultivators, home gardeners, and professionals have trusted its timeless formula since 1939.
Our unique, non-toxic vitamin solution promotes plant health and builds plant vigor. It is suitable for all stages of growth, even stressed plants!
Now, with SUPERthrive’s new line of nutrition solutions and supplements, we have an entire range of products to give plants the edge they need.

SUPERthrive Vitamin Solution is a vitamin-based formula. Unique from the standard fertilizers on the market, Dr. Thomson’s proprietary plant VITAMIN formula contains kelp and Vitamin B to aid in the growth of desirable plants. Recommended for use with all plant types.