- Always add Pro-Tekt to your water first, and stir thoroughly.
- Add your nutrient concentrate, either Foliage-Pro®, GROW™ (if you are in your Vegetative cycle). or BLOOM™ and Mag-Pro™ (if you are in your Flowering cycle).
- Test the pH of your solution. When growing in soil, the optimal pH level is between 6.0 and 7.0. Allow for some natural fluctuation within this window to support optimal nutrient uptake. If you grow soilless, the optimal pH level should be between 5.5–6.5.
- Use either pH UP™ or pH DOWN™ to bring your pH into the correct range.
- Add 3 ml Pro-TeKt® to 1 gallon of water and stir.
- Add 3 ml K-L-N Rooting Concentrate™ and 5 ml Foliage-Pro® and stir again.
- Adjust pH to 5.9 by adding Pro-TeKt to raise pH or Foliage-Pro to lower pH. Do not use more than 5 ml of either.
- Add 5 ml Pro-TeKt to 1 gallon of water and stir.
- Add 5 ml K-L-N Concentrate™ and stir again.
- Adjust pH to 5.8 by adding Pro-TeKt to raise pH or Foliage-Pro to lower pH.